Ayna Jundul Muslimin?

Friday, 29 May 2009

Ayna Jundul Muslimin?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

أين جند المسلمين أين هم مما نعاني من وحوش حاقدين
في سراييفو دماء تغمر الأرض الفضاء صارخات بالنداء تستثير النائمين
لو نظرتم للضحايا ترى مثل الشظايا حولهم ... المنايا والنصارى يرقصون
ذبحونا كالشياه ورمونا في المياه وأخي عني لاه بمال أو بنون
مسجدي قد هدموه وهلالي **روه وأبي لم يرحمون رغم أثقال السنين
منزلي لم يتركوه فوق رأسي قوضوه كل شيء أفسدوه تحت عين المسلمين
عرض أبكاري استبيح وصغيري ذا ذبيح ودمائي في السطوح تستثير النائمين
ابنتي صارت سبية بعدما عاشت أبية ليتني ذقت المنية قبل ما عرضي يروح
نحن أرباب الكفاح لو تملكنا السلاح لأتينا بالصباح وانطوى الليل الحزين
ليس غير الاتحاد منقذاً هذه البلاد من صليبي أراد لو يباد المسلمون

Ayna Jundul Muslemeen

Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are they from what we suffer From full-of-hatred beasts

In Sarajevo there's blood Which fills the space of land And women yelling and calling For those who are asleep (to wake up)

Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are they from what we suffer From full-of-hatred beasts

If you take a look at the victims Spread like pieces Around them the death circles And the Christians dance

Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are they from what we suffer From full-of-hatred beasts

They've destructed my mosque And broke my crescent They didn't have compasion for my father Even for his oldness

Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are they from what we suffer From full-of-hatred beasts

They didn't leave my house They've destructed it over my head They thwarted everything Under the eyes of the Muslims

Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are they from what we suffer From full-of-hatred beasts

My daughter became a captive After she was proud I wish I tasted death Before my honor was disgraced

Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are they from what we suffer From full-of-hatred beasts

We are masters of the battle ( or strife) If we get hold of the weapons We should've rised at the morning And the sad night should've withdrawed

Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are they from what we suffer From full-of-hatred beasts

There's nothing but unity That can save this country From a crusader who wants The Muslims to be wiped

Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are the Muslims' soldiers? Where are they from what we suffer From full-of-hatred beasts

****grammar errors, I know...but I still can't find the correct translations....both the lyrics in Arabic and the translations were taken from different sites***

Sumber: WebForum


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